I was rowing my my wife down Rock Creek 13 years ago.   My newlywed wife was fishing.  It was the best hatch I’d ever seen.  There were thousands of salmon flies every where!!  I was a little grumpy because I had to navigate my raft and couldn’t fish this epic hatch.  Trout were blowing up these huge bugs, and my wife seemed to be a little disinterested.   I saw a monster brown trout gulp a fly against a black cliff face.  “Cast there, right against the cliff face”, I shouted and pointed.  My wife did and this goliath mouth opened  to sip my wive’s spinning dry fly.  She ripped her fly away and took it from the trout at the last mili-second.,   “Uhhggg” I yelled “why did you do that, he was going to eat it?’  She threw the rod down and said “you are yelling at me and I’m not fishing anymore, and you aren’t very nice when you can’t fish.”  I then rowed the raft down Rock Creek in dead silence except for the gulps coming from trout’s mouths  every where as we bobbed along.

13 years later she still remembers the day I yelled at her on Rock Creek.  Well this weekend was awesome, my wife and kids fly fished and we caught some salmon flies.  I still am hoping my wife forgives me for that slip of tongue, but my wife has the memory of an elephant and holds onto little things occasionally.

Here is a pic of an adult salmon fly I caught today, and of my wive’s salmon fly tattoo on her leg.

My wife is the Greatest!