We have been on the Missouri quite a bit  this May and June.  The fishing has been really good this year.  The Mo had been running 3000 CFS for the past 18 months until recently (they raised it to 7500 cfs below Holter this week).  This big push of water is good for the trout and the river’s ecology.  The bug there has been the usual tailwater sow, pmd and bwo nymphs about 7 feet under the indicator one or two split shot depending on water depth and speed.  We did have some pretty good dry fly fishing on BWO’s when it was cloudy and there are PMD’s kicking around and caddis later in the day and evenings.

Montana fish wildlife and parks shocked the river from Wolf Creek to Craig a couple of weeks ago and I spoke with one of the biologists briefly.  He told me the trout numbers were as good as ever with lots of big healthy trout in there.  We were all concerned after last year’s drought. With the river only running 3000 cfs the last 18 months, the trout might have had some health issues, but apparently not.

I guided the Bitterroot yesterday 6/18, and we also fished the Clark fork and the upper Blackfoot last week.   We have also been running some lake trips in light of our high water recently.  The Root and Clark fished well under an indicator with SJ worms, stones, and perdigons.   The lakes we mostly caught fish on midges but did take a few on top with big lake may flies. The comparadun was the ticket there.  The Blackfoot is also dropping in nicely and should fish well on stone flies and streamers.

We have had some great guides helping us and have had some really cool returning guests and a few new ones from Texas, Ohio, CA, PA, Or,  and a few other places.


Thanks for checking in.

TroutZoola and our Montana River Family