Well I got a few days off after a real busy 40 days. I think I’ve seen every type of weather known to man.
Last night my awesome wife and I went to the Orvis Rendezvous, had a couple of cocktails and talked to a bunch of outfitters and Orvis people in the fly fishing industry. The new Orvis rods are as good as any sage, winston, or hardy, Ive fished em all!
I had Matt/ John from WA on the Mo on thursday and it was real good over there, great guys. Matt, John, John, John, Chip were out here for a while. Before that I had Jeff, Sheila, Ben and Ryan. The fishing has been good but we have to work for them.
I’m looking outside now at snow on a cold Sunday April 21.
My family and I went turkey hunting this morning, we took a long hike and saw a few turkeys but nothing talking in the public land we can hunt, nice Morning though.
I’m looking forward to a couple of days off, Maybe I’ll go fishing!