by Brooks Jessen | Apr 22, 2022 | awesome clients, Bitter root, Bitter Root river, Bitterroot River, Black Foot River, Brooks Jessen, Clark Fork, Clark Fork River, Clark Fork Toads, drift boats, Fishing updates and other fishy gossip, Fly Fishing, friends, General, guide success, Missouri, Missouri River, my family, professional fishing guide
This Spring of 2022 has been a bit colder than normal but we have had some nice windows offering excellent fishing. We started out on the Missouri in March where we were more winter fishing, pink scuds, amex, nymphing some midge stuff and put some awesome bows...
by Brooks Jessen | Jun 28, 2020 | Bitter Root river, Bitterroot River, Clark Fork, Clark Fork River, Fly Fishing, General, jumping rainbow trout, Missouri River, professional fishing guide, Rock Creek, Salmon flies
We have been kind of all over the map the last couple of weeks. Missouri near Craig back to Rock Creek, upper Bitterroot to the Blackfoot, and mid Bitterroot while taking a daring shot at the Mighty Clark Fork west of Missoula. Most of our rivers are substantially...
by Brooks Jessen | Mar 16, 2012 | elk hunting, guide success, moto-cross, professional fishing guide
“You guides show up late for work, grumble about being hung-over, take your guys fishing, and have fun all day every day. When are you going to get a real job”? I hear it all the time. I usually just shrug and...