by Brooks Jessen | Apr 22, 2022 | awesome clients, Bitter root, Bitter Root river, Bitterroot River, Black Foot River, Brooks Jessen, Clark Fork, Clark Fork River, Clark Fork Toads, drift boats, Fishing updates and other fishy gossip, Fly Fishing, friends, General, guide success, Missouri, Missouri River, my family, professional fishing guide
This Spring of 2022 has been a bit colder than normal but we have had some nice windows offering excellent fishing. We started out on the Missouri in March where we were more winter fishing, pink scuds, amex, nymphing some midge stuff and put some awesome bows...
by Brooks Jessen | Feb 8, 2020 | Fishing updates and other fishy gossip, General Fly fishing guiding is a serious occupation. Our top priority is keeping our guests safe on the water. If you want to stay booked, you better put fish in the net! Some fishing guides...
by Brooks Jessen | Jan 29, 2020 | Fishing updates and other fishy gossip, General
Fickle Car Buyers and Fickle Trout! I’ve been shopping for a vehicle for my wife this last week or so. I don’t buy cars often enough to be any good at it, but it’s hilarious what people will tell you to commit to buy. “This is one of the last...
by Brooks Jessen | Apr 28, 2019 | Fishing updates and other fishy gossip
At a bar in Wolf Creek Montana, my buddy Joe and I were talking about the fishing among other things amidst a three day guide run. Ironically both of us were asked the same question by fishing guests “How long have you been fishing here?” The answer I...
by Brooks Jessen | Apr 26, 2019 | Fishing updates and other fishy gossip
Today’s story provided by Sandy Jessen Fly fishermen are notoriously secretive and crafty by nature. Whether it be secret fishing holes or flies, or even both in a cacophony of mystery. Fishing guides are even more so, with a healthy dose of competition added...
by Brooks Jessen | Mar 29, 2019 | Fishing updates and other fishy gossip
Ok I turned 50 this year having lived only in MT, ND, and AK. The winter weather in these states isn’t always nice! The last two months have been the coldest on record in Montana. The fishing hasn’t been typical this Spring. We are catching some trout,...