Dave and Paul with a Bitterroot double

Jeff with a chrome rainbow from the root
We have had a nice Spring this 2021 mostly on the Bitterroot, with a few real good days on the Clark Fork, Blackfoot, and the Missouri. We’ve been on the sticks for a little over a month now and we are headed to the Mo this weekend for about 1 1/2 months.

Maggie on the lower Clark Fork with her cuttbow

Mid Clark Fork Brownie with Dave
The weather this Spring has been typical, windy cold one day, and bright/ sunny the next. Our snowpack in the Bitterroot and Clark Fork valleys is over 100% so we are sitting well for a healthy, renewing Spring runoff.

Big handed Jim makes all the trout look small!

This guy was an accidental Blackfoot bi catch, quick pic and back in the river for these amazing char!

The illusive Clark Fork sucker, they’re actually pretty cool, I like em.

Ronnie tore em up on the Bitterroot again this Spring.
Thanks for visiting us and we hope to see you this season, sincerely Troutzoola Fly Fishing.